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​Scripture Through the Eyes of Children (Paperback)

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​Scripture Through the Eyes of Children (Paperback)
Product Details

Scripture Through the Eyes of Children

Published by CAI Publishing, Inc. 2016

This book will be a visual delight and a heart-warming experience for your children, and you, to see. Robert Sungenis has assembled dozens of breathtaking images of children from around the world; images that capture how they live and act in their various cultures and nations. For each one, Robert has applied an appropriate Scripture caption that depicts the spiritual side of their lives and how they touch our hearts with God’s presence. In the end you will see why Jesus says, “Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not; for of such is the kingdom of God.”

74 pages

Hardback: $34.95, full color images, ISBN: 978-1-939856-74-6

Paperback: $22.95, full color images, ISBN: 978-1-939856-88-3

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