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​The Immutable God Who Can Change His Mind: The Impassible God Who Can Show Emotion (Hardcover)

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​The Immutable God Who Can Change His Mind: The Impassible God Who Can Show Emotion (Hardcover)
Product Details

Published by CAI Publishing, Inc. 2016

Scripture is quite explicit that God changes his mind in certain situations (Ex 32:14), and also quite explicit that he displays emotion, such as anger and pity (Ex 32:9). Are these genuine descriptions of God’s character or are they merely metaphorical? The Church Fathers were divided. Aquinas said they were metaphorical, but only to a certain extent. Modern theologians are also divided. The Church has made no formal judgment. What is the truth of this matter? Allow Robert Sungenis to take you on a whirlwind tour of scripture, tradition, the magisterium and philosophy to delve ever so deeply into this mysterious and fascinating topic. The final answer will probably surprise you, but also lead you to a much closer relationship with your God that you will never forget.

220 pages

Hardback: $28.95, ISBN: 978-1-939856-79-1

Paperback: $14.95, ISBN: 978-1-939856-86-9

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