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​The Philosophical Meaning of Great Works of Art: Medieval to Modern (Paperback)

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​The Philosophical Meaning of Great Works of Art: Medieval to Modern (Paperback)
Product Details

Published by CAI Publishing, Inc. 2016

Have you ever wondered what Leonardo da Vinci was trying to tell us with his famous painting, The Mona Lisa or in his mysterious self-portrait? Have you ever wondered why Pablo Picasso painted so that we could not tell the difference between a woman and a chair; and why modern art in general is so bizarre? Why is Baroque art so emotionally driven; and why does Rembrandt paint as if we were looking at a photograph? What is the message behind Renoir’s “impressionistic” paintings and why do Van Gogh’s paintings look so vacuous and artificial? Why is the Madonna so prominent in the early part of the second millennium and almost disappears in the latter part? What is the philosophical key that a Christian can use to decipher these great works of art? Allow Robert Sungenis to take you on a tour through the history of art from the medievals to the moderns to show what each of them were trying to tell us.

87 pages

Hardback: $42.00, full color images, ISBN: 978-1-939856-80-7

Paperback: $24.95, full color images, ISBN: 978-1-939856-87-6

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