CASB 1: The Gospel of St. Matthew, 2nd ed. 2019 (Hardcover)
CASB 1: The Gospel of St. Matthew
CAI is embarking on a very ambitious project -- a study Bible made especially for Catholics who want to know how to teach and defend the Catholic faith from Scripture. We give detailed commentary on all the relevant passages; we cite Early Fathers, Councils, Mediaeval theologians, Popes, and the 1994 Catechism; we give studies on key Greek, Hebrew or Latin words; we give numerous cross references for further study; we teach you how to interpret Scripture; we give a comprehensive index and concordance. Most of all, our CASB will have a new translation of the New Testament, word-for-word from the original Greek, with all Catholic doctrine preserved and with the Latin Vulgate determining textual variants. This will be a Bible unlike anything you have ever seen; an heirloom for generations to come.