Calvary and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass? (1 Mp3, 55 Mins, 12.7 Megs total)
What does it really mean that Christ is sacrificed for us? Why does God need a sacrifice? How do we answer Protestants who accuse Catholics of killing Christ over and over again on the altar? How can we make the Mass exciting for ourselves and our children? Recorded Live in 2007.
Robert focuses on the Sacrificial aspect of Holy Mass, that is, it is the means by which God the Father is appeased or propitiated, by seeing the once for all Sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross, perpetuated until the end of time. Robert also corrects the common misunderstanding that Jesus paid the full legal payment for our sins on the Cross; He did not. Jesus paid for the way or the opportunity for reconciliation with God the Father. After all, if Jesus paid the full legal payment for our sins, no one would ever go to Hell, since payment for sins cannot be paid for a second time if it was truly paid for the first time. Includes Q and A's.
(55 Mins, 12.7 Megs total)