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Commentary on the Catholic Douay-Rheims New Testament Exegeted from the Original Greek and Latin - All 4 Volumes by Robert Sungenis (PDF Downloads)

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Commentary on the Catholic Douay-Rheims New Testament Exegeted from the Original Greek and Latin - All 4 Volumes by Robert Sungenis (PDF Downloads)
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Product Description:

For the first time in Catholic history, the New Testament is conservatively exegeted from the original Greek in a detailed and comprehensive analysis of the grammar and etymology, in addition to an occasional analysis of the Vulgate's Latin translation, and an analysis of the English used in the Douay-Rheims translation, as well as many other English translations for comparison. Every verse is interpreted from the grammar and context of the passage, and key official magisterial documents are included when appropriate, as well as quotes or references from Fathers and medievals, as well as catechisms, encyclopedias other dogmatic sources. The exegesis follows the grammatical-historical methodology with occasional addition from typology and symbolism, especially in prophetic passages. Included is an analysis of the Greek textual-critical data, especially when that data influences the exegesis of the passage due to differences in the Greek textual tradition. Added to each verse are numerous cross-references to other scriptures that relate directly to the verse in question. All in all, the Commentary gives the most cross-references of any Catholic Bible in history. The Commentary takes the traditional Catholic position that all Scripture is inspired by the Holy Spirit and is completely inerrant in its history as well as its soteriology. Added to the Commentary are numerous paintings from the Gothic, Romanesque, Renaissance, Baroque, and other artistic movements, as well as an assortment of biblical images, each of which will enhance the reader's interest in the biblical text. All in all, there are approximately 1000 biblical paintings of the most famous artworks in history in the three volumes, many in full-length exposure. This is a truly one-of-a-kind bible commentary that will serve as an enduring study source and heirloom for many years to come. The Commentary comes in four volumes and each volume is approximately 700 pages long, on a 6" x 9" hardback frame for easy handling.

Having one of the most trusted traditional English translations of the Bible, the 1609 Douay-Rheims and its 1899 American edition, along with our new Commentary of the Catholic Douay-Rheims New Testament that you hold in your hand, you now have the unique opportunity to get behind St. Jerome’s 4th century original Latin translation of the Greek texts he used for the 27 books of the New Testament. As you use this Commentary, you will discover many things about Scripture that you never knew before. Many unclear things will be made clear; many clear things will be enhanced even more. Scripture will come alive as you understand how the people of the 1st century spoke and acted in ways that are very similar to ours. The lives and sayings of Jesus, Peter, Paul and all the characters of the New Testament will be seen in a whole new light due to the nuances of the Greek language that this Commentary brings to you. Our patrons have told us that once they start to read the Commentary, they can’t put it down. It’s a real page-turner! From us to you: Enjoy your Scripture and get closer to the God you were meant to know.


"Thank you for putting all of the time and effort into the project, I truly think your commentaries are the best I’ve ever read."

- Wesley Hunt

"Mr. Robert A. Sungenis,

I just recently purchased your book 'Commentary on the Catholic Douay-Rheims New Testament' Volume II St. Luke and Acts of the Apostles.

How can you do this?!!!! I am very well pleased with the quality of this book. The pages are laid out very well, with bolding, italicization, and quality of the pages are superb! The number of pictures throughout are top quality. This $69 should be a $169 minimum. I can't thank you enough for the hard work and effort that went into making this masterpiece sir. As you've indicated by other readers in your latest YouTube Wednesday, I went through the first 60 pages on a Sunday evening. I am inspired to read the Word of God again. I am truly grateful.

I am a big fan and have purchased in years past the movie Principle, and also own your newest creation Day 1 and Day 2, which are very well put together; including Foundations Restored. When resources are replenished, I plan on buying other books (John, Matthew, Mark) and will also provide a donation as this work is well deserved. May God bless you and your family abundantly!"

- B.H., Cincinnati, OH

"I recently received the Volume II of the Commentary on the Catholic Douay-Rheims New Testament, hardcover, which is a tremendous book. Never have I seen anything like this in a Catholic Bible... The paintings are priceless, the commentary extensive, the colored maps so helpful, and the chronology tables very informative and easy to follow. Thanks again for the great work. I am hoping to spread the word about the Bible which is invaluable. I often post things that Evangelicals respond to and this will make my work more complete and authoritative having these books to refer to."


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