Geocentrism 102: An Introduction into the History of the Church versus Galileo (Paperback)
Geocentrism 102: An Introduction into the History of the Church versus Galileo
Whereas Robert’s one-volume historical treatise, Galileo Was Wrong: The Church Was Right, is over 700 pages long, the best and boldest of the history has been distilled down for you into one third the size. Find out what really happened when the Church confronted Galileo and the implications of it for today. Robert shows how and why the Holy Spirit was guiding the Church to reject Galileo’s heliocentric system, and all that has happened since then to make it appear in popular circles that the Church made a mistake. This book contains information and analysis that is not available in any book on the market today.
Price: $17.95, ISBN: 978-1-939856-47-0
Recommended for Middle School and Above